Protein and Enzyme Engineering

Proteins are essential elements of life, and proteins that catalyze chemical reactions (enzymes) enable critical cellular processes. Unlike many reactions in synthetic chemistry, enzymes can catalyze complex transformations under ambient conditions. Thus, the study and engineering of proteins and enzymes can allow us to better understand, repurpose, and re-engineer enzymes for target functions in green chemistry, therapeutics, bioremediation, and much more.

Protein and enzyme engineering can be achieved by changing the amino acid sequence of proteins and enzymes. The ADL laboratory is highly interdisciplinary and focuses on four areas of protein and enzyme engineering.

  1. the incorporation of new-to-nature functionalities through genetic code expansion,

  2. the development of new methods for protein and enzyme engineering,

  3. informatics and machine learning approaches, and

  4. applications of these methods with metalloenzymes.

Our research focus

Our team takes an interdisciplinary approach to protein and enzyme engineering, drawing on methodologies from chemistry, biology, and informatics.

The team

Our close-knit team is dedicated to the rigorous pursuit of science and to finding joy in the daily commission of laboratory work.


Alexandria (Ali) Deliz Liang: alexandriadeliz.liang at

Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zurich, CH, 8057